Friday, January 20, 2012


That little cutie on the chair is my mom's dog, Gracie, she's staying with us while my mom is in Maui.

Talk about college chic. It's beautiful isn't it? This is our bedroom folks and we're ready for a change. You'd think that as an interior design student my bedroom would be nothing short of fabulous but let me tell you right now, it's not all pillows and paint swatches. Being busy designing my butt off in school leaves little time to design and decorate at home and I'm slowly trying to change that. The first runner up for a makeover in our pad is the bedroom because it reflects who we are the least. And I would really like to stop being too embarrassed to show it off when we give people the grand tour. All 7 steps of it. Today I sat down and really tried to brainstorm what we could do in there. With a lot of online browsing and Nick's must-have's list, which called for our favorite colors (green and purple), better lighting, and lots of art on the wall, I put together some inspiration images..

What I really want to do is harmonize masculinity and femininity. For masculinity I want to add industrial elements, geometric patterns, and bold lines. For femininity I want to add soft pops of color, vintage pieces, and some playfulness with art and organic elements. I'm so excited for the change, there's only one problem. Dolla dolla bills y'all. Yep, we're poor college students, and as easy as it would be to get my hands on the perfect stuff for our bedroom there's no chance it would all be in my budget. SO, I decided I'm not going to do it. Ha, totally kidding. No, what Nick and I decided together is to vow that everything has to be thrifted, or on sale (and not just that 15% off sissy stuff, we're talking good deals here people), and we have to do as much DIY as possible to cut cost down. Good plan right? It's going to take some time but we're ready to take on the challenge. Wish us luck you guys! And feel free to give me any good DIY tips.

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