With all this sunny weather we have been having there have been a lot of bare arms and bare legs around here. All at once everyone's tattoos are visible- it's awesome.
I am so in love (seriously,
so in love) with tattoos. Particularly women with a lot of tattoos. When done right (in my opinion) like the women above, they look so strong and empowered while still maintaining their femininity.
I hope one day to look like this, not covered, not full or filled in sleeves, but with a beautiful collection of tattoos.
I don't know how to explain it. It's hard for me to understand why anyone could be so against them. For me it's partially about expressing myself, less about making a statement, and more about loving my body. I think we can all agree, being a woman and feeling completely comfortable in your skin isn't always easy. I can't explain how incredible it feels to look down at yourself and be proud. To see art instead of imperfections. It's a beautiful thing.
I'm sure some of you have experienced some family disapproval in this area. I by no means come from a family that is very accepting of tattoos. The only one who does is my amazing mother. I know I push her sometimes but she never ceases to amaze me with her willingness to change her opinions on things in support of me. My dad on the other hand has a harder time and just kind of stiffens up when he sees them. Papa no like tattoos. Just how he was raised. With most of the rest of my family I get weird looks or the standard, "Well, what are you going to think of them when you're 80?" or the classic, "What about when you get married?" These are my favorite questions.
When I'm 80 I'll most likely be wearing pants and long sleeves year round like every other 80 year old. But maybe having tattoos when I'm 80 will make me feel like I do now- more confident in my body. I don't believe I will be proud of my natural skin once I get that old. Plus, it has always been my lifelong dream of being a badass grandma.
In terms of my wedding day, it's not about anyone else but me and my husband. If tattoos are a part of me and who I am obviously I will want them on display when I get married. To be honest I hope I have my arm tattoos to where I want them before I'm married, so I can showcase them. I mean, just look how beautiful and not intimidating they are..
As you've probably guessed from this post I have my fair share of tattoos (very feminine tattoos). And also you've probably guessed that I'm not done getting them. As pro tattoos as I am I have limits. No neck, chest, or hands (and it seems obvious but no face or head). Honestly the hands part of that rule makes me sad since the tattoo I've always wanted since I was little was a hand tattoo. The thing is you have to have limits. No matter how much it sucks when everyone tells you people think of you differently when you have tattoos, it's true. It's definitely not always in a negative light but it's still there.
From the little I've heard, hands, neck, head, and face tattoos were suppose to be reserved for only tattoo artists back in the day. I completely respect that rule. The problem with those tattoos is that you can never really cover them up if need be. Those can easily turn into the "regret" tattoos. I highly advise against them. The only reason I don't want to get my chest tattooed is because it is my favorite part of my body. I have seen some beautiful chest pieces (seriously, gorgeous) but for me it's just not something I want to do.
You have to really consider your career path. For me I go to art school. And I want to live in the Pacific Northwest for the rest of my life. If someone doesn't want to hire me because of my tattoos, it probably isn't a place or client I want to work for. You may have different circumstances than me. Think it out.
In conclusion (this feels a little like an essay to me too, trust me) if you want tattoos, and you are confident in why you want them don't be afraid. And in complete sincerity if you don't like tattoos, that's totally great! It's just about who you are and your control of your own body. Be proud of yourself!